
Saturday, November 13, 2021

The Army of Darkness

John 8:12, "Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life."

Colossians 1:13, "He has delivered us from the power of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of His love,"

My niece and I were texting about creatively writing one afternoon months back and I said that I might write a post for my blog but wasn't sure what inspired me at the moment. I had plenty of thoughts and ideas running around my mind, but nothing really stood out. Nothing really spoke to my spirit nor did I feel led to any particular idea. This meant I needed to wait. As most of my readers know, if I don't get a clear "direction" from the Holy Spirit, I just won't write. This is the reason for some of my lapses in posting. I could just post anything and write about whatever I want to, but this blog is not designed for such writings. My intention was to go for a drive in the countryside and take pictures, as photography is, and has been, my love and passion since I was a little girl! That didn't quite work out so well that particular day as I had planned so she told me to go out back in my yard, take a picture of something cool, and connect it somehow to the Lord and Heaven. From that simple suggestion, I immediately thought about my pine tree! I stood on my deck looking out into my back yard, deep in thought and enjoying the beautiful day the Lord had blessed me with and began to fix my eyes upon that tall tree that's standing at the top of my hill, bravely reaching for the sky. I had previously taken a picture of it's twin tree full of ice and posted it to an article I wrote that took place during the epic ice storm we had back in 2009 which can be found in the article called, "In the Stillness of the...Ice?" and can be found here for reference. Although this tree posted here is not the one in that article, it stands close by and is its twin. I took a few pictures of it as it stands today as you can see by the inserted picture to the left, because from fixing my eyes upon it, I saw how it could relate to life with Jesus or life without Jesus. How light makes life thrive but how darkness kills. A spark quickly ignited and I knew exactly what I was to say. This post was then born. God inspires us and talks to us in the most amazing ways if we just keep our eyes upon Him and keep our ears cleaned out from all the noises of this world! My spirit jumped for joy with this newly ignited spark of an idea and now I'll share just how I could relate life with Jesus or life without Jesus simply by looking at my tree. In the photo of its twin being weighed down by the ice in the article I linked above, it too was weighed down in the same way, but at the time it was full and thriving. That was 2009. Since that time, 12 years later, it's grown quite a bit more but so has my other trees along the treeline of my home. I have one very large, very mature oak tree that began to block out part of the branches to my pine tree that was partly facing the oak tree as it grew. I hadn't really paid much attention to it over the years, really. As with most things that are fixed and we see every day, we don't always SEE those things, and in some cases, we CAN'T see them because we've become accustomed to their fixtures. Well I didn't pay much attention to it as I mentions until that day I walked onto my deck at the suggestion of my niece. I noticed the side of the pine tree that faced the oak tree had dead branches and no needles where the oak tree branches were blocking the sunlight from feeding the pine tree. It was in the shade, unable to receive the light from the sun to help it to grow. Thus partially preventing that part of the pine tree to thrive. I looked at the other side and it was fully thriving, green, no dead branches or missing needles. 

And just like that I connected it with the Light of Jesus! Without His Light, we are dead and belong to the army of darkness. We can't thrive. We can't branch out. We can't grow towards the "SON." We can't have life abundantly. We can't live a fulfilling life. We can't overpower the darkness that is hindering us from the Light without first receiving the Light. It all fit together. There's an army of Light and an army of darkness. One is full of life and Light and one full of darkness and death. One is full of love and peace and one is full of rage and hate. It's been disturbing how the whole world has been suddenly thrust into an evil darkness through this "viral pandemic" that is overwhelmingly suffocating n entire nation, an entire world. A darkness that engulfs the whole world. A darkness that the enemy is using to get everyone's eyes off of the Lord. A darkness that has taken away so much hope in people, in humanity, in life and in living. This darkness has paralyzed a once thriving, happy, free nation. People can't see the light through the thickness of the blackened, thick, smothering smoke. Ah, but it's there! It's everywhere but you must have your eyes set on Jesus to see it, to experience it, to feel it, to be in it! Jesus is everywhere and He is still shining His Light into the darkness! He has already overcome the darkness! Life may never return to the way we once knew it just months ago, but this world, this life, is not permanent anyway. It's temporal. Us Christians are just visiting and passing through. And as a Christian, I know I'm not of this world and that one day soon, I will be with my Lord and Savior for eternity! I also know, with great sadness, those who do not know Jesus Christ as their Savior and who has rejected His free gift of salvation, will spend eternity in Hell and I'm deeply grieved about that thought because they, too, have a choice to receive Jesus' free gift of Salvation. They, too, can be freely adopted into the Royal family of Christians. They will be the ones going through the Tribulation and experiencing some of the most horrifying, indescribable, terrifying things imaginable. And while there will be a last chance to receive His gift during those hellish times, I continue to pray that those who are currently on the fence this very moment, will make their choice NOW so they can know the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ and know what freedom truly is! Why wait until the tribulation to make that decision, during the most unspeakable of times and of the darkest of darkness that comes upon the earth as God's judgment? Why not be part of the bride NOW and not be part of the tribulation saints, which are those unbelievers who receive Jesus Christ as their Savior during the tribulation! There will be many during the Tribulation that will choose, foolishly, to worship the beast, the Antichrist, and spend eternity in Hell. I don't wish this upon even an enemy. But as the loving Father that He is, He has given us all free will and choice. He never forces anything upon's simply a choice.    

This darkness and fear took on a life all of its own through the "pandemic" and the "pathogenic virus" and from that was born a sense of doom and gloom so terrible, so terrifying, so gripping that many still remain in its throws. This past 19-20 months have become somewhat of a fixation on "obeying and complying" and the ultimate "fear factor" but all without discovering truth, the REAL truth, just to get back to what they once knew as normal. Being blindly obedient without searching out the truth, will not get anyone back to "normal" or to the way things used to be but what it will do is show the enemy he can continue to bully and threaten and use fear to control people. This will prove to be a very deadly behavior in the coming weeks, and months, as the "inoculations and passports" begin to roll out. I know there is push back beginning right now as the right to simply WORK is now being threatened, but the more people cave to such lies and absolute diabolical mandates, the more the enemy will continue to find more and more ways to control other areas of life by more lies and fear mongering. Why? Well, the media and their paid "experts" has, and is, continuously pushing the fear and darkness upon those who are susceptible to believing this is all for the "greater good" and who have fallen victim to their perpetuation of lies. People were, and still are, inundated with too much "repetitive" information from the main stream media over and over from every angle that they didn't realize just how swiftly things had changed, how much more darkness was being revealed and taking over the minds, hearts and souls and how it forced everyone to have too much time on their hands. This "time" in the beginning was made to "appear" like it was a good thing for families, togetherness, and the slight "rebirth" of the earth. However, time is an enemy and idle hands are the devils workshop. Soon, time began to show the darkness for what it is, was and will grow to be by turning the hearts of people into angry, evil, soldiers for the devil. This beget the riots and protests that gripped the world, destroying the major cities in the USA and all over the world. These riots and protests turned viciously violent and revealed the hearts of those walking around us. Crime skyrocketed as more fear was pumped into the population. Rebellious hearts grew exponentially. Entitled "groups" were being created for this very purpose to help divide and conquer. Violence blew up at levels unseen before. Murders at an unprecedented rate swept our country but instead of the truth being revealed, the media hid it deep in their agenda. They pointed their greedy, evil fingers at everything, and everyone, BUT what it is and what the causation was to throttle this kind of evil. Remember one thing....2 weeks to flatten the curve turned into nearly 2 years of absolute chaos, lies, darkness and evil. These days are days of Sodom and Gomorrah. These days are dark, very, very dark.....

This caused an emptiness of souls that reaches deeper than physical hunger ever could! It can be present even when, from an outsider's perspective, everything seems fine. A person may sense that something is missing or realize that true peace and joy eludes him. The woman at the well is an example of someone who felt empty. She was searching for something or someone to complete her. Jesus Christ gave her life meaning and significance, and He can do the same for each of YOU!! Jesus's conversation with a Samaritan, and a woman, no less, was unusual for the time. John 4:9 tell us, "Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askesth drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans." Samaritans were part Jew and part Gentile, and Israelites looked down on them for their mixed heritage. In Jesus' day, unrelated men and women did not usually speak to each other in public. Our Savior got her attention by referring to Himself as "living water" and noted in John 4:10, "Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water." "Living water" described a stream or a brook, as opposed to a well or a cistern. Jesus was speaking metaphorically: He could satisfy her heart's need for love and acceptance in the same way living water would provide for her physical thirst. You see, the woman at the well had been married multiple times and was currently living with someone. Imagine how exposed she must have felt when Jesus asked about her husband. But instead of condemning her, Jesus offered to fill her emptiness by satisfying her with His life, the "living water!" Every one of us was created to have a personal relationship with God. That means none of us can truly be satisfied unless the Lord is the primary part of our lives! But sadly, many people expect money, prestige, or other accomplishments to satisfy them. Others turn to drugs, alcohol, sex, crime or a life of deceit. Some people go deep into debt trying to buy enough things to fill the void that they have within themselves. Even innocent pastimes such as hobbies, sports or other entertainment can become a problem if they begin to take up too much time, focus and energy. So if you felt thirsty, would you drink ocean water? Highly unlikely. Why? It would only leave you thirstier than you were before. That's what pursuing the world's pleasures is like. It will never bring you lasting satisfaction because true contentment is only found in Christ alone! In some ways, this "pandemic" and all the "lies" that accompany it, is a reflection of the hunger people have for the worldly things. Afterall, everyone wants to get back to "normal" living. They don't say they want to get the truth. They don't say they want to get back to anything other than living in the world the way that it once was...entertainment, restaurants, theaters, and so on.....Of which will never happen because the world has forever, and permanently, changed. The priorities of the people haven't quite changed yet.....and therein lies the problem. 

By Grace Alone!

Before I move on, it is here that I'd like to talk briefly about the amount of unknowing soldiers Satan is gathering up along the way for his own army. Some are jumping on board full heartedly knowing exactly what they are doing while others are casually being led to the proverbial slaughter if you will. Satan is the master of illusion and deception and he's using many puppets to gain ground right now. This same ground he's gaining is growing his army of darkness to numbers that are becoming evidently larger with each passing day. Each lie that is spun, each freedom that is stripped away, each right that is yanked from our grasp, and each manipulation tactic that gains speed the enemy gains more soldiers. What is permitted is promoted. Once you stand in the darkness pretending to be the light, that is when it gets the darkest! Truth will ALWAYS trump the darkness each and every time but one must have eyes to see!!! No matter what kind of promises the devil musters up to tempt you into his web, it's temporal. It's earthly and by no means is it, nor will it ever be, joyful, pure or true! One can choose to be a soldier of darkness or a soldier of Light. A soldier of darkness belongs to the army of darkness with Satan as their "general." The soldier of Light belongs to the Army of Light with God the Creator of all that is good and pure and beautiful the Master of ALL! The darkness has already been defeated and overcome by the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! That's the army I have chosen to belong to because that army is Life everlasting! It's never too late to join the Army of Light and there's nothing you must do before receiving His free gift of salvation! You don't have to get yourself "cleaned up," "straightened up," or anything else. You just need to come as you are, wherever you are and Jesus will meet you right where you're at, no matter where that may be! Ephesians 2:8-9, "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast." So many people try to make salvation complicated and I've said many times that it's easy enough for a child to understand. 
The apostle Paul tells us what the Gospel is in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, "Moreover, brethren, I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand, 2) by which also you are saved, if you hold fast that word which I preached to you - unless you believed in vain. 3) For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4) and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures," I've mentioned before J.D. Farag as a good prophecy and bible teacher and he has simplified it for everyone! The A, B, C's of Salvation! They are as follows:

ADMIT THAT YOU’RE A SINNER. This is where that godly sorrow leads to genuine repentance for sinning against the righteous God and there is a change of heart, we change our mind and God changes our hearts and regenerates us from the inside out.
BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT JESUS CHRIST DIED FOR YOUR SINS, WAS BURIED, AND THAT GOD RAISED JESUS FROM THE DEAD. Believe in your heart that Jesus Christ died for your sins, was buried, and that God raised Jesus from the dead. This is trusting with all of your heart that Jesus Christ is who he said he was.
CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD. This is trusting with all of your heart that Jesus Christ is who he said he was. Every single person who ever lived since Adam will bend their knee and confess with their mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings.

This past year, specifically, leading to the current day has truly been the year of darkness and evil. It's been a spiritual battle between the light and the darkness. It has been a daunting time for so many people all over the world and the Father must be grieved by what is happening to His creation and those He lovingly CREATED! Yes, He is in control but He has feelings too! I know there's many people out there who still believe everything will once again return to "normal" and life will resume as usual or as it once was before the "invisible enemy" took a death grip on the people of the world. It won't because it can't. There's still so many people who believe if they just listen, obey and follow the leaders of their respective countries/cities/villages, then everything will be fine. It won't because it can't. Take note of the progression of lies to manipulate, control and condition the populations all over. First it was shut down the countries and quarantine for 2 weeks to flatten the proverbial "curve." Then it was social distancing. Then it was masks. Then it was the "inoculations" to return to "normal." Then it was the "boosters" then "inoculating" the innocent children. Then it is now dividing the "jabbed" from the "unjabbed" while taking away the rights to live. And now? None of that is good enough and none of it ended, but rather, it's escalating into speeding towards the completion of the New World Order, which heads right into the Tribulation as prophesied in the Bible! You see the enemy is never satisfied and always wants more and more control and power and greed. Look around my brothers and sisters, what do you see taking shape? Power, greed and control. Nothing is good enough for these evil puppets doing the bidding of Satan. We're on a fast track to outright tracking and other nefarious things yet to still be revealed. But it won't be normal ever again. It can't be. There's still many who believe that "man" can "save" this country, or world, from further decay. Only ONE can do that and that's Jesus Christ! God remains in control and He already WON! The "pandemic" that has been thrust upon us all is the precursor to the mark of the beast that will be revealed during the tribulation. This was and is the way to get everyone who will be left behind to get comfortable with it. You see, those in control are power hungry and they don't care about any of us. Their master is NOT King Jesus Christ, but rather Satan himself. Those in control want to BE "gods" and are trying to play God. This is a dangerous path they have chosen to travel down and one day, maybe sooner than they know, they will learn just how deadly their free choice to follow the devil actually IS to their eternal lives! They twist the truth. John 8:44 tells us, "You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it." They mock the Bible. They mock and blaspheme the Lord and all that is true. They are evil to the core and they love their sin above all else. Satan knows his time is short and he's been gathering up so many followers, soldiers, along his journey that my heart is grieving for those who just don't have a clue. Alot DO have a clue and know what they have chosen. The technology we have currently and what they have been working on behind closed doors is ripe for the implementation of the mark of the beast. Make no mistake. To imagine that this "simple flu" virus closed down countries, businesses, and lives, is an indicator of just how Satan works. Control by fear. Manipulate by deception. 

My Army of Choice!

Matthew 24:12, "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold."
 Many people tend to fixate on the apocalyptic themes that our culture seems to pick up on such as the earthquakes and famines and wars and rumor of wars. I believe they tend to forget this very simple yet profound statement that people’s love for one another, and the human race in general, will grow cold. The word for "love" is agape, and it speaks of good will, compassion, empathy and benevolence toward our fellow man. This particular part of the Scripture doesn't even necessarily mean the Christ-like love to the fullest extent of selflessness and/or of being sacrificial. There has been an ingrained sense which the world has, at times, clearly understood to some degree what it takes to get along. Take for instance, in the 1950’s, the parents that experienced the Great Depression had compassionately created a culture of morality that penetrated all aspects of society. It was normal and safe to leave doors unlocked at the time. It was normal and safe for the children to play outside all day long into the nighttime when the streetlights came on because everyone was raising the children in the neighborhood! All the parents looked after the children. Safe. Secure. Normal. But now? We worry about the demonic perverts in wait to snatch our kids while our backs are turned for just a second. We're worried we'll be wrongfully sued if we look at somebody the wrong way. We're worried we'll get retribution if we get involved. We know that our politicians are lying to us and consistently breaking promises while catering to those with means and to those who have an agenda. People are constantly trying to gain an angle on us to get our money, to take advantage of the weak, and due to this very thing, lawlessness and crime are so widespread that our jails are filled to capacity. We are a fallen, twisted, and broken culture because our love has grown cold. There's widespread abuse of children, women, the elderly. Abuse is not limited to physical as it comes in many forms. There are physical, mental, emotional, and sexual abuse. ALL have the same power as the next one and can be just as damaging. There's violent outburst against one another in numbers that scream evil! There's widespread crimes of passion. There's animal abuse/sacrifice. There's a growing number of "groups" inciting violence across the world. The world of people are being numbed to the chaos around them and they're focusing on themselves. They don't and in many cases, can't, feel any real emotions. Part to blame is social media and the incessant amount of violence being shown en masse through all kinds of venues. It becomes an insatiable appetite for some to watch these acts over and over so eventually, they will become numbed to violence. Once that happens, evil becomes good and good becomes evil....welcome to our world!

As sin increases, love diminishes. As morality increases, love multiplies. Look at the free love and rebellion of the 60's. That wasn't an increase in love, but rather, it was an increase in lawlessness! Thus, the net result is a callous, selfish culture of passed down lawlessness and nihilism. Few people look to God for direction, and even fewer attempt to heed His commands. How can we expect the world to love? Actually, we shouldn’t really expect the world to know HOW to love given that only believers can truly love. 1 John 4:7-8, "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. 8) He who does not love does not know God, for God is love." Isn't that also a sobering Scripture?! I think so! And love that waxes cold towards others oftentimes, is a result of an unrighteous anger in the heart! Violence, in it's many ugly forms and masks, is born out of anger. Anger unrestrained is a fire out of control. It starts as an ember but soon it's fanned and becomes an all-consuming fire that takes out many along its destructive path! Of all the things that are in the human heart, anger can be one of the most intense, destructive, and unhealthy emotions that we can experience. It's deceitful as a result. From our hearts, flow who we ARE. If the anger is not handled properly and in a righteous way, it can definitely have drastic life-changing consequences. I witnessed this that terrible day! Anger may be caused by a number of things, but the root cause of a spirit of anger is tension from past hurts and guilt. This mixture of pain and guilt is cumulative and inevitably, it erupts into uncontrolled anger when new offenses remind us of past experiences. Left unresolved, anger creates an intense desire to destroy something, or SOMEONE!!! This is exactly what Satan thrives on and creates to gain the control he so desires. Anger, hate, evil. He is the epitome of all three. Violence is the result of a pathology of the soul. Violence doesn't begin with a standing of armies, generational ethnic hatred or longstanding social inequities. Violence is as close to us as our very own deceptive hearts. A lesson learned from Genesis in regards to Cain and Abel. Something as simple as jealousy that is/was left unchecked, left to grow, deepen and intensify, leads to acting out in unrestrained violence. God warned Cain in Genesis 4:6-7, "Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it." This is truly an amazing statement because it shows how jealously leads to anger. It shows, also, that sin is predatory. It's crouching at the door, looking to possess Cain. Just like it can with any one of you if anger is not in check! In other words, violence is often the tipping point after resentment turns to rage. What can be done about violence? God told Cain he'd better "master" the pathology of his soul. Since Cain didn't master the pathology of his soul, blood was spilled. God’s response to Cain was "your brother’s blood cries to me from the ground." And so does the blood of many today. Jesus speaks about the source of violence. Murder begins in the heart. One of the most revolutionary of Jesus’ teachings is that human violence begins in a much deeper place, a much more secret place. The sin of violence has already begun even before the blood is spilled or the words wound. And here we are today. Satan is building anger up in the hearts of so many by the lies, the isolation, the blame, the agenda, the war against good and evil. Anger builds into violence and lawlessness.

So what I originally said in one of my earlier posts, I believe without a doubt, that this whole "viral pandemic" agenda was the catalyst used to bring the world, and all the people, to their knees all at once to begin to lay the foundation for the New World Order, or the One World Order, which is hard at work as we speak. As I look back to the steps of this evil playbook, it becomes crystal clear who's driving the "world's" vehicle! Satan is trying to run down the Christians by censorship, division, and isolation while persecuting them at the same time. He knows there are those who are on the fence about their beliefs and is doing everything he can to sabotage them so they WON'T call upon the name of the Lord. You see, this new World is fast approaching and millions desire its inception without even knowing what the end result will be. Millions are tired and worn down from these months of absolute chaos and mandates and regulations and isolation and loss that they are willing to do just about anything in compliance to get their lives back. Do not be fooled. Normalcy we all once knew with the "freedoms" we once held so precious, will never happen again. It can't. It will only become worse no matter how much we desire for things to go back to what we once knew. And by now, this many days, weeks, and months into this, we ALL are longing for much more than what is set before us. It's depressing. It's sad. It's concerning. It's devastating. It's dark. It's abuse. Yes! It IS abuse. This is the same process an abuser uses to earn the trust of his victim. It's absolutely no different. Control. Manipulation. Power. Rules. Fear. Lies. Submission. Secrets. Captivity. See? It's exactly the same thing. No matter how much the statistics prove how far down on the "deadliest virus" list this "virus" actually is, it's a necessity to understand it's never been about the health and safety of any of us. Instead, it's about, and has always been about, control, submission and laying the bricks for the foundation of the NWO. The Christians are their targets because evil knows the Light that resides inside of us is what's holding back the darkest of darkness imaginable. Evil knows we are the "restrainer" and it wants us removed! We want to be removed in the rapture as well but we also still want souls to be saved and for the lost to be found! We want the "prisoners and soldiers" of darkness to be released from their prions.....

Only In Jesus Are You Free!

The prisoners of the darkness are held captive in their bondage to the things of this fallen, evil world. They tend to believe in all the lies the enemy has spewed at them. These prisoners thirst for everything that is impure, vulgar, evil, dark, unkind, and full of temporary satisfaction. They are kept in their own mind's dungeon, unable to break free and lacking the Light that is desperately trying to get inside. The prisoners of darkness create soldiers of darkness for the army of darkness to battle the light IN this world. They are bound by this world, bound by the chains that keep them from serving the Lord God Almighty. Satan is their master. Their tempter. Their leader. Their ruler. Their "giver". Satan, however, only wants to kill and destroy everything that is good. He only wants to destroy those prisoners who have been blinded to the TRUTH. People are turning to violence and evil to vent their personal frustrations, to right a perceived wrong and lacking skills to handle it any other way. They are angry. They are frustrated. They are lost. Sad, but true. We are living in a society full of rage from the belly of a demonic stronghold. We are living in a society that is selfish, self-centered and only cares about themselves. There is an increasing of a total disregard for life, in all forms, that permeate our culture and some of it is instilled by the leaders and media who push this agenda and incite unwelcomed behaviors. In Luke 17:28-29, we are told clearly, "Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; 29) but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all."  What exactly were the days of Lot like that needed this kind of judgment and devastation? Well, let's look at Genesis 13:13, it tells us, "But the men of Sodom were exceedingly wicked and sinful against the LORD." In the days of Lot, the people gave themselves over to blatant sexual, perverted sin. They were homosexuals and adulterers and they engaged in anything their wicked hearts desired because it was what they chose to do. Lawlessness abounded everywhere you looked, everyone did whatever they felt like from their own evil heart without any moral thought. They did exactly what they wanted to obtain the "feeling of temporary satisfaction" that it offered. It became a normal, everyday thing in their cities to live in this manner. You see, the source of violence comes from the very one that was once very close to God, Lucifer. Ezekiel 28:16, "By the abundance of your trading You became filled with violence within, And you sinned; Therefore I cast you as a profane thing Out of the mountain of God; And I destroyed you, O covering cherub, From the midst of the fiery stones." This verse speaks of Satan who was then cast as a profane thing from the mount of God. He was "filled with violence." But, before, he was perfect in all of his ways until sin was found in him, the sin of pride. Violence is the physical exhibition of pride. Most people want to argue that point but it's fact. Pure and simple. How do we know this? Psalm 73:6, "Therefore pride serves as their necklace; Violence covers them like a garment." 

2 Timothy 3:1-5, "But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: v2) For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, v3) unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, v4) traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, v5) having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!" I believe these scriptures sum up the world we are living in right as I write this post! We are living in the last day and perilous times are currently engulfing us. Those were soldiers of the army of darkness and we are experiencing a gaining ground of several more soldiers adding to the same army of darkness. You don't have to be in the army of darkness but rather, can choose to turn from your wickedness and join the Army of Light! God's Army! One can truly recognize that we are living in a society that's self-dependent, self-centered and self-righteous. It's a society that its self-engrossed pride is expressed primarily through violence. Our society has reached the time that can be, or IS, ripe for judgment. Proverbs 4:17-19, "For they eat the bread of wickedness, And drink the wine of violence. 18) But the path of the just is like the shining sun, That shines ever brighter unto the perfect day. 19) The way of the wicked is like darkness; They do not know what makes them stumble." We have the fruits of our labors today from sowing the wicked seeds of discord for years. Proverbs 21:7 tells us, "The violence of the wicked will destroy them, because they refuse to do justice." There's a spiritual war going on and it's increasing in its intensity. It's been on the increase as Satan's hosts find their unruly expression through the ungodly people willing to to do his violent works, diligently working through the sons of disobedience. While God wants to bring order, peace and life, Satan comes to steal away any good, righteous thing. He steals and kills. And makes prisoners of the darkness. Satan wants prisoners. God wants soldiers of freedom. 

If your mind and thoughts center around the darkness and they are appealing to you more than the light and the good, then you can be certain you have become one of the prisoners of the darkness. If you are bound to the dark and the evil side of life, Satan is your "god" and "ruler" of this life. Being a prisoner isn't a very fulfilling, joyful life or experience for that matter. It's cold, damp, empty, isolated, full of rot and worse still, it's a bondage that can't be broken unless it's through the freedom of the shed blood of Jesus Christ! It appears to me there have been many more prisoners captured through the spiritual attacks on the unsuspecting than ever before. It's beginning to look like whatever goes, becomes law. It seems nothing is right or wrong, good or evil or differentiated by the word of God. Instead, everything has taken on new forms, new shapes, new meanings and we're now living in a much more confused world, self medicating, self-mutilating, self-harming, self-satisfying, and full of selfish pride to the death of a nation. These are dark times. Dark days. Dark, evil abounding. In the absence of Light, there is darkness. Darkness can't survive if there is Light shining into it! Those prisoners of darkness are surviving temporarily because the Light hasn't been allowed to penetrate their souls, their lives, or their hearts! Oh but when it does.....Come, Lord Jesus, Come! The storm clouds seem to be gathering closer and quicker in the distance, some extremely dark. We're now beginning to see the days of Noah again, permeating our nation, our world, when men’s hearts and the earth will be filled continually and unabashedly with violence, evil and outright rage. We all have violence in the heart apart from the new birth, apart from being reborn into Christ Jesus our Savior. Only the TRUE Gospel of Christ can, and will, be the modern ark of safety. The very ark of safety we all should desire, but only some will find. Some won't want to give up their fleshly desires, wants or cravings. They seek what is temporal and only here for a moment in time. The Gospel of Jesus Christ needs to be proclaimed clearly and loudly, we may be close to the end of Noah’s 120 years. Job 27:8-9, says, "For what is the hope of the hypocrite, Though he may gain much, If God takes away his life? 9) Will God hear his cry When trouble comes upon him?" We live in a world chalk full of infinite choices and opportunities. Not every choice is a good and wise choice and not every opportunity is a good and healthy opportunity. You can't serve the world, and serve the Lord at the same time so making wise choices will lead to healthy opportunities! If you choose the path of self-centeredness and selfishness, you will walk away empty, full of darkness and unfulfilled. When Jesus is out of the picture, when God has been denied, so much else goes right out of the picture with Him! Joy goes. Love, peace and kindness goes. Self-Control goes. Self-control is a key to the darkness being overtaken by the Light! If there is no self-control, then anything goes. Whatever you feel is right for you at the time, then you've given yourself the OK to partake in whatever it is! There'll be no need for self-restraint if self-control is gone, it will be a free for all. Willpower won’t prevail but chaos will and what a dangerous, vile, evil world we will live in when self-control is unimportant, non-existent or just totally repressed. Everything will go once Jesus is gone and what a terribly cold, dark, empty, but chaotic place we will be left with.

The bible is God's inerrant breathed Word and in it, we find several prophetic scriptures that refer to the end of days, the end of the age that is upon us and unfolding right before our very eyes. There's not going to be a "revival" or some miraculous turn around. We were told this from the beginning by every leader. Remember? The "new normal."  All the leaders of the world are speaking the very same "language" about these events. This is something everyone needs, and must, take notice for their own good! Spiritually, these people are trying to blow out the light of Jesus Christ by closing churches, using the Scriptures out of context to use as "hate speech," banning in person services, pushing for penalties of non compliance, and so on. This is a blatant attack on Christianity. You have a choice. Either you become a member in the Army of Light or you become a member of the army of darkness. Choosing the right army will secure where you spend eternity and that, my dear friends, brothers and sisters, is the ultimate! All believers are called to be soldiers in the Lord's army. We all have different responsibilities, strengths, purposes and callings, but we all should be actively engaged in the battle between good and evil, righteousness and sin, light and darkness, faith and unbelief, abundance and lack, and ultimately God and Satan. As Christians, we will fight the spiritual battles of a soldier. The issue is not whether we will be attacked; the issue is whether we will be victorious. You see, the plan of the enemy is to create and disperse misery, take away hope, crush spirits, cause depression and anxiety, and maintain a climate of despair and helplessness. We are already in a war. Let us enter the fight as fully trained soldiers with the full armor and power of our God. Romans 13:12, "The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light." We are commanded to encourage others as well as ourselves in the Lord and to be fully alert. The day has come when Jesus Christ is sifting and shaking everything up that can be shaken. He is separating the wheat from the tares. He is showing Himself to all who will open their eyes to Him, and their hearts. He is rattled the once solid grounds that we walked upon. He is shaking the world to get its attention. Are you paying attention yet? Do not lose heart, do not be troubled my friends, because things aren’t always as they appear to be. I know there are times when you feel you’ve been thrown under the bus, judged unfairly, betrayed, lost your way, been unjustly fired, or feel you've been rejected at everything you've attempted to pursue. Don't lose hope because there is One who sits in the heavens on His throne, who sees all things and nothing escapes His view. He tells us as a promise, in Deuteronomy 32:35, "Vengeance is Mine, and recompense; Their foot shall slip in due time; For the day of their calamity is at hand, And the things to come hasten upon them." Your times are in His hands, and you want to leave them there!

So soldier on in the Army of Light! If you haven't been adopted into His family, it's not too late! The A, B, C's of Salvation above is a good start or you can read my own post called "Simple Salvation" found here. Don't let the things of this world tempt you because it's only temporal. The things of God is eternal and everlasting! Come join His Army and fear the darkness no more! In His Perfect Will, be blessed!

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